Everyone wants to save time as well as money. Any convenience that can save us both time and energy is an enormous benefit. Personally, it is common to make purchase decisions based on ease of use. In this article customer motivation, why do people buy dishwashers?Do we really need to wash dishes with our hands?Yes, we could but we do not need to be tangled up.If we were in search of an apartment to live in then we would want an oven or a housekeeper.It is not an essential requirement.It is more of a time and energy savings convenience.The practice of paying for convenience is not uncommon.We would like to invest our time and energy in doing things that we enjoy.
In a workplace, the savings in time and effort can be a source of cash that can be deposited in your bank. It is not my thing, but I definitely would not like paying someone $20 per hour to cut wood manually, if they could charge me just $20 an hour cutting the lumber using the chainsaw. If I require a lot of wood, buying a chainsaw is an excellent business decision.
Sense Of Peace
A sense of peace is something that we all desire. This is why we buy security. It is the same motivation in both business and personal circumstances. We want to feel confident that we are secure, so we purchase smoke detectors as well as fire extinguishers and maybe sprinkler systems. We want to ensure that our loved ones, our employees, and even our homes, as well as businesses, will be secure in the event of an unexpected incident and we purchase insurance. Everybody has a certain level of anxiety about the unknown and the inexplicably unpredictable. Peace of mind can be a powerful motivational factor.
Never Undervalue People Self Esteem
We all like looking attractive in the eyes of others. We enjoy it when others seem a little insecure when they see our lives. We do not wish to be viewed as a burden or feel sorry for. We buy things because we love the way they look (our personal self-image) or because we believe that others will enjoy them. The decisions based on image and ego are decisions based on emotions. The logic of the decision is not relevant here and it’s all about how it affects us. Inform your family or friends that you have purchased a home in a good neighborhood and you’re sure to be greeted with a hearty “Wow, good for you”.
The answer is yes. Image and Ego definitely motivate individual buying decisions But are they also influencing the business decision-making? Absolutely! On every level, the company is personal. The business owner would like his company to appear to be the top. The department’s manager hopes to make his department the envy of other managers. Sales clerks want to be regarded as the top-selling agent.
The Engineer is looking to be perceived as the most ingenious designer. Image and ego continue to be the primary factors the main factors in making decisions. Keep in mind that a company is nothing more than an amalgamation of individuals. Personal relationships and emotions are what still can make a difference. People in business still purchase with their feelings. The only difference is that they (sometimes) use logic to justify their decision. If two options are comparable, it is likely that which one will satisfy the ego the most is the one to win.